Monday, April 2, 2012

Time Lords, Post Apocalyptic Death Matches, and Sexy Carrots

I recently finished the Hunger Games trilogy, which helped kick-start my reading habits. It was a good set of books that were easy to read, and it left me wanting to read more books. So why would I go and read a book I've already read? Well, the same reason I blasted through the Hunger Games; the movie is coming out.

I picked up Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. If you have read this book,  then you were probably thinking the same thing I was thinking; "How are they turning that into a movie?"
Well if you watch the trailer you'd see they mostly used the book as inspiration for the movie, and took a lot of creative license in telling a different story that brought up the main points in the book. However, that's not the reason I'm bringing up the book.

I bought the book at a thrift store in Porterville a few days before leaving for my last tour with the Continental Singers. Since I was told so many people that I should read it, and it was only 25¢, that I'd read it on my flight to LAX to rehearsal camp in Kansas City.

After 100 pages we touched down in Missouri, and I had to put the book down. I finished it while at camp, and handed off to someone else on the tour, and after he was done, he gave to someone else, and then to someone else. She didn't finish it before the tour ended, so I let her keep it. I knew I'd buy another one at some point.

This was back in 2007. Who I was back than was a little different from who I am now, which makes reading this book a second time five years later something different. I mean, between the summer of 2007 and this moment, not a whole lot has changed, right?

-Graduated from Porterville College
-Moved to Fresno
-Experienced the negatives and positives of having roommates
-Developed a taste for bourbon, beer, and Coen Brothers movies
-Flew to St Louis over New Years for a missions conference
-Married my girlfriend

Yeah. Nothing much has changed.

The reason this whole thought was brought on was because I read a chapter in the book this morning and I remember what was said, but I took it completely different. A section that I simply read through that had next to no effect on me gave me chills this morning, and it made me think about everything that's changed in the last few years, and what hasn't, and since my Twenty-seventh birthday coming up, I've been thinking about what my Twenty-sixth year was like. So what has happened between since April 4 of last year and now?

-For my Birthday I got The Walking Dead on DVD from friends and the graphic novel from my brother, and it started another obsession for me. So much so that I needed to stop reading about zombies when they kept invading my dreams. (Not that I'm a wimp, but that Michelle doesn't like being woken up by my random sleep-talking. My dreams are the fuel for my crazy story ideas most of the time)
-Our church finally got a Pastor! Since we'd been going to Clovis Evangelical Free Church they have had a transitional pastor. I'd been in to many situations where there was no pastor at a church, and it's not a fun time, especially for new people. You start going to the church, meet people, and they leave with half the church. But something kept us there, and we discovered a sense of community, and when Pastor Wil and his family came, they fit right into our community. Pastor Wil, and his whole family has been a blessing not only for our church, but for Michelle and I as well (for a quick story, check out this blog post from Michelle).
-Michelle and I got to help a good friend, Charles, surprise his wife. If you thought watching "Coming Home" was emotional, try going to the airport and videotaping it! Charles and Melissa Pendleton have been a blessing to us in so many ways. When we watched the surprised look on Melissa's face when she turned around, saw her husband, and jumped into his arms, time stood still. I will never forget this moment for as long as I live.
-Both my brothers got married to some pretty awesome women. I couldn't think of anyone better for Steve and Tim than Krista and Jenna. On top of that, they gave up their awesome last names to become a "Lopez." Now that's love.
-Michelle and I celebrated our first year of wedded bliss. We haven't killed each other yet, but I still have to make it to the second year. I'm pretty sure she will kill me at some point, because I have been the hardest person to live with. She has been more forgiving than anyone I know. I am the luckiest person to have her in my life.
-I was given the honor and privilege to lead worship for my church. It was a lot of work, but I love having those moments when God moves through you and people are blessed.
-We went to Hollywood and saw David Crowder*Band play on their last tour. It's hard to tell how much of an effect this band has had on me as a musician and a Christian. They ended the night with "All I Can Say", which is a song that has followed me through some of the hardest times in my life, and it changed the way I view worship. Their music will be missed.
-Michelle got me into Mad Men. The season five premier was last week, and we had to make sure we finished season three and four in two weeks. And we did.
-I got into Doctor Who like crazy. The only time I ever saw anything Doctor Who related was on PBS a few years ago, and it looked really cheesy. My siblings we all talking about it online, so I thought I'd give it a shot, and I'm hooked. Right now I'm about half-way through season four. I really like David Tennant as The Doctor, and I've heard Matt Smith is a pretty good Doctor, but he'll have to be really good to fill Tennant's shoes.

So those are some of the highlights of my Twenty-sixth year. We'll see what the next holds for me.

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